The Best Dog Beaches in Sydney

The Best Dog Beaches in Sydney

To be completely honest I think it’s ridiculous that I even have to write this article. It's 2019 and we still aren't allowed to swim where we want? Yes, sometimes we accidentally piss and sh*t all over everything which is classified as “undesirable” by humans. But you can’t tell me that the spike in “warm currents” on a sunny Sunday afternoon at Bondi Beach is caused by a northerly. Stop lying to yourselves!  And for god sake, stop pissing on each other!

We will continue observe the progress society has made over the past 100 years in human rights and save hope that one day dogs may receive the same treatment and be allowed to dance carefree in the ocean with our hairless cousins. But for now we must play the cards we have been dealt and may I just say, the humans have let us wet the fur is some pretty fancy spots.

Owners, treat your dogs to a day out at one of the following in no particular order...

  1. Kutti Beach - Eastern Suburbs

    Nestled somewhere between Nielsen park and the Watsons Bay Hotel (both dog free zones) lies a small beach where Canine is King. Technically the rules state that we are required to be on our leads at all times but if you head down there, tell Sandy and Steven they can leave the lead in the car. The beach is only small but full of brothers and sisters of all shapes and sizes. We try and stay well behaved but when you unleash twenty of us in a confined space we go off like a packet of Prawns in the Sun. Let's just say by the end of the day there is sand on every towel, some very pink humans and some very, very tired pups. They love us down there.

  2. Horderns Beach - Bundeena (National park)

    Nothing beats getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city for the day and get back in tune with mother nature. Being cooped up in a house all day can drive even the best of us insane. Unless that is, if you get to stick your head out a car window for at least 2 hours a week. The pot of gold at the end of that quick air-flow rainbow is Horderns. Even though we are only allowed off the leash before 8:30am and after 4:30 pm on weekdays between September and April (rolls eyes), it is absolutely gorgeous down there. Stop at one of the many parks on your way home so your human can throw the ball for you to chase repeatedly and that pretty much caps off a perfect day.

  3. Federal Park - Annandale (Blackwattle bay)

    A Hipster's paradise. Rumour has it this beach was founded by a dog when she simply entered the water on a humid afternoon to cool off in the 70’s. What a crazy time. Both humans and animals had be walking and running the Blackwattle Bay loop for years but it just takes one brave pooch to turn a daily walk into run/bath combo. Yes, humans claim the water is disgusting but dipping the paws in for a bit of fun never hurt no one. Plus there is a cool bridge humans to look at and an awesome park a couple of hundred metres down the path. A true hidden gem.

  4. Flora & Richie - Curl Curl

    I actually haven’t been to this one yet but all reports from my friends up north give it two big thumbs up. Dogs are allowed to roam free in the park/ Lagoon setup and the facilities are great offering complimentary poo bags and nice human toilets also.

  5. Sirius Cove - Mosman

    Believe me when I say we’ve saved the best for last.

    Is the mayor of Mossman a Dog? Probably. I still don’t understand how they let us have this one. We can't swim at Maroubra, but this breath-taking slice of heaven is all good? Humans are weird. Jump the sandstone fence, roll down the beautiful grass hill and swim out into beautiful Sydney Harbour. You’ve got your Bridge and Opera House to the right, all the beautiful yachts to the left, and all four lean legs in some crystal clear H20. And the best thing, no restrictions on weekdays or before 9am and after 4pm on weekends. Get around it.

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